Environmentalist Playlist: 5 Films About The Environment

Image from Avatar

It should not come as a surprise that lots of films discuss the environment, the struggles we have as a result of its degradation and our ongoing attempts our to protect it. What would we be without Earth? How would we survive if we succeeded in destroying the only home we have? 5 films attempt to depict variations of our struggle. 

5. Happy Feet (2006) is an animation film that deals with the environment of Antarctica and the problem of overfishing. It is told through the perspective of penguins that face the brunt of mankinds’ involvement in the polar region. This is one movie that shows mankind in a redemptive light; where they learn their lesson as soon as they realize their faults. 

4. Maleficent (2014) is a more balanced retelling of Sleeping Beauty. The focus of this film is greed and power which lead mankind to destroy the environment. The conflict between  Stephan, the King and Maleficent the "protector of the moors" feels true as far as current events are concerned. It is a realistic depiction of deforastation and the issues that follow.

3. Wall-E (2008)  is an animation movie that concerned itself with waste management and romance.  Earth, by 2805, had become a waste dump for humanity, which itself by then lived in fully automated star liners high up in space. When a tiny sapling is finally discovered in one of the huge trash piles covering the planet, the protagonist WALL-E meets another robot who comes to collect it – and he falls in love.
Image from Noah

2. Noah (2014) is a biblically inspired tale. Noah is depicted as a hero and God-inspired steward of the earth. Written by Darren Aronofsky, this film captures the beauty of [the world] creation, and dramatize's God’s decision to cleanse and recreate it because of the environmental degradation and pollution caused by mankind. 

1. Avatar (2009) deals with a post-apocalyptic world where the natural resources of Earth have been severely depleted, causing mankind to depend on another habitable moon, Pandora. Themes of this movie range from survival of the fittest to the idea of man as the centre of the universe who need their needs fulfilled, even at the cost of destroying the civilization of an another people, much as it had done its own. The end of this movie saw all the humans - except a few good men – expelled from Pandora and sent back to Earth.

***Pumzi is a Kenyan science-fiction short film written and directed by Wanuri Kahiu. It was screened at the 2010 Sundance Film Festival as part of its New African Cinema program. Pumzi is set in a post-apocalyptic world in which water scarcity has extinguished life above ground. The short follows one scientist's quest to investigate the possibility of germinating seeds beyond the confines of her repressive subterranean Nairobi culture.

Image from Pumzi
“She (Neytiri) said all energy is only borrowed, and one day you have to give it back.” ― Jake Sully Avatar


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.